Supple & Sage Enterprise Inc

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Cancel Out the Noise

We currently live in a period where data is updated in real-time and changes rapidly. One challenge business has data overload because there is more unusable data that they can’t use than actionable data that can make decisions on. We will review how to make data more actionable so you can get the necessary actions and support. 

 Data is the new oil because it is convertible to many different uses and applications.  The challenge is putting meaning behind the data to make it relevant. To do this, you must format the data into simple formats for understanding.  The form should be as follows main objective, impact to target (effects on the strategic direction of business), timeframe for action (why you must act now), call to action (solution and what you need your business leaders to do).  It is essential to know that today everyone is pressed for time. Therefore the simplicity is your greatest ally. Get to the point your making and how this affects a critical objective. This will support your call to action and why no response will have an adverse impact.  The other important thing to follow is your chain of command. You see, your call to action will gain more support when your manager(s) can show why additional work is needed.  Most companies feel that challenges can be addressed by following the standard operating procedures, so if any of these processes are skipped, most leaders are reluctant to take action.  Besides, managers are typically placed there to mitigate risk and remove barriers. Many have concerns that the message will get convoluted; however, many managers understand the underlying politics of messages. Things as simple as word choices and format can easily be turn-offs or cause more significant challenges than the one you are trying to solve. Also, most large problems require greater collaboration from groups and departments you may not have direct influence over. You are ensuring that solving the potential challenge will align cross-functionally is vital to the success of the mission. Therefore it is critical to trust the chain of command. 

The final item to address is adding by subtracting. You see, many departments and teams have more work than time, so anything that adds extra steps or action will be met with opposition.  Nothing is gained without sacrifice, so before we ask for more money or more resource, we must ask ourselves what we are willing to sacrifice to solve this challenge?  If we are not ready to give up anything or reduce the workload of others to assist the cause, how can we expect to buy-in? 


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